RBSA Field Use Guidelines
The Raymond Baseball and Softball Association spend considerable effort and expense in maintenance of the ball fields at Raymond School and Raymond township that they graciously allow RBSA to use for our recreational baseball and softball programs. As common courtesy, RBSA coaches, parents, and players are expected to reciprocate this generosity by doing our part to support their efforts and ensure fields and grounds stay in clean, quality, and safe condition for all Marysville youth.
The following guidelines highlight several primary areas of responsibility and concern:
Properly dispose of all trash after each practice and game. This includes in dugouts, under bleachers, and anywhere on the grounds in general. It does not matter if the trash “is yours” or not. These are our fields and “someone” has to pick it up. Let’s do our part and then help to identify and report those that are not pulling their weight.
For updated field status check the RBSA website, Facebook page, or Twitter. In the event of inclement weather and wet field conditions, the RBSA Facebook page, Twitter feed, and the RBSA website will be updated to advise you on suitability of fields for use. When fields are closed, then fields are closed: NO EXCEPTIONS.
In the absence of an updated RBSA website, Facebook page, or Twitter, coaches should contact the Baseball or Softball directors to verify the fields are open.
If there is standing water on the field, do NOT try to sweep and rake it off. This creates low spots in the field and (or) piles sand along the baseline creating even bigger problems with the next rain. If in question, please consult an RBSA board member before attempting to rake or prepare any field for play under wet conditions.
Though sometimes when fields are closed it will be acceptable to use the outfields, coaches must be careful to position players and practice to avoid the need to retrieve errant balls from the infield. KEEP EVERYONE OFF THE INFIELD.
Coaches are to rake the “rough spots” after each practice or game to ensure a suitable playing surface for the next team. The bases should also be removed by the last team at the end of the night on fields 1 and 2 only.
Intentional throwing or hitting balls into any fence on any field is strictly prohibited. This includes soft toss for batting practice. Likewise, climbing on fences is strictly prohibited by both participants and spectators.
On fields that are pegged for multiple base lengths, always transfer the rubber plugs to the unused peg when moving bases. DO NOT throw them to the adjacent fence and NEVER cover a base peg without a rubber plug. Immediately report any missing plugs or unsafe base conditions to an RBSA board member.
Parents are responsible for the behavior of any youth (player or spectator; relative or not) they bring to the fields.
Any willful violation of the above guidelines or any defamation or destruction of property will be grounds for suspension or expulsion from participation in RBSA. Please report any violations to your RBSA board.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.