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Raymond Baseball & Softball Association


Raymond Baseball & Softball Association (RBSA)

Tee Ball League Baseball Rules

(Rev. December 2022)


The RBSA Tee Ball league is designed to be a fun experience and to teach young players the basic fundamentals of the game. The tee ball league follows the same general rules, guidelines and information as the baseball league.

Age Qualifications

●       The Tee Ball league is open to boys and girls who are at least 4 years old and not more than 6 years old. Must be between the ages of 4-­6 as of January 1st of the current registration year.

Field Dimensions

●       Pitching distance: Coaches will pitch to their team members. Pitches will be overhand or underhand from a distance not less than 30’ and not more than 46’. The pitching speed should be altered by the coach to fit each batter’s ability.

●       Base path: 60 feet

●       Distance from home to 2nd base: 85 feet



●       All batters must wear NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) approved batting helmets with NOCSAE approved face guard. Batters must wear a batting helmet with approved face shield at all times when on the field of play (on-­deck circle, batter’s box, base paths, or any location where batting is taking place) during all RBSA sanctioned practices or games. This protective equipment shall cover both ears and temples. It is illegal to wear any other headgear when batting or running while participating in RBSA.

●       Baseball cleats are restricted to rubber only.

●       Each player must wear a baseball glove.

●       Bats may be made of wood, aluminum, and other materials manufactured specifically for Tee Ball play.

○       Bats used in the Tee Ball League shall not have a diameter greater than 2 5/8”.

●       Safety items. Both coaches must be notified of all medical protective items prior to the start of the game. Prior release from the attending physician must be available for review.


●       Teams will bat their entire roster each inning.

●       All batters must follow the order established by the coach.

●       Prior to the last batter taking his or her at bat, offensive team’s coach shall announce to the opposing team that the final batter is up to bat.

●       Players will be given 3 tries to hit a coach pitched ball, after 3 attempts all players will hit from the tee.

●       There will be no need for sliding or for defensive player to make a tag. This is for the safety of the players.

●       No outs, runs, wins or loses will be recorded.

●       Leading off, stealing, and bunting are prohibited.

●       There will be three coaches allowed during offense, a base coach at 1st and 3rd, and one coach at home plate to help with   hitting.

●       Runners shall not advance on an overthrow.



●       Every player will play defense.

●       There will be 5 players in the infield. They are to be positioned as follows:

○       1 pitcher

○       1 first baseman

○       1 second baseman

○       1 short stop

○       1 third baseman

●       All remaining players shall be assigned to an outfield position.

●       For safety there will be no catcher. If needed the pitcher will cover home plate.

●       If a child played infield the first inning, they must play outfield for the second inning. Any child that did not play in the infield during a complete game must start the next game in the infield.

●       Coaches will be allowed on the field to help instruct and umpire.

●       There will be open substitutions.

●       Defensive players in the infield must not be more than 5 feet in front of the baseline until the ball is hit.


Base Stealing, Running & Sliding

●       There is no leading off, stealing or sliding in Tee Ball League.

●       Base runners must avoid interference with a fielder in the process of fielding a ball or making a play at a base. OFFENSIVE INTERFERENCE is an act by the team at bat which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play.

●       Fielders may not obstruct a base runner in the process of running the bases. If the fielder is not in the process of fielding the ball or making an out attempt directly at a base. OBSTRUCTION is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball, impedes the progress of any runner. The runner will be awarded the base they were advancing to in the event of obstruction..

Safety Concerns & Equipment Abuse

●       Any player identified as throwing or abusing any equipment, be it accidental or intentional, will be issued firm warning by their respective coach.

●       A player can be removed from the game if the player’s action(s) is to intentionally harm another player, coach or fan.


Other General Tee Ball League Specifications

●       Coaches must remain in the dugout during play unless they are designated coaches (1st, 3rd base coach or batting coach) or are defensive coaches. Coaches or parent volunteers may also be used behind the batter to retrieve balls and assist with batting instruction.

●       Only the Head Coach may approach the other Head Coach to clarify a call or ask a question.

●       A game will last a total of 55 minutes. Attempt to complete 2 innings. If the game is moving at a speed that will allow for another inning to be completed prior to the 55 minutes time limit, start that inning. The game must be finished at the 55 minute mark.

●       An inning is complete after the home team has batted.

●       Players should remain in the dugout except when they are playing. Players should not be standing in the dugout opening where they could be hit by a foul ball or errant throw.

●       Bunting is not allowed in the Tee Ball League.

●       No standings will be kept in this league. There will be no umpires provided. Calls will be made by the coaches.

●       At the coaches discretion, it may be necessary to call a game for safety reasons due to impending weather or darkness.


Raymond Baseball & Softball Association

PO Box 31 
Raymond, Ohio 43067

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 937-303-7643

Contact Us

Raymond Baseball & Softball Association

PO Box 31 
Raymond, Ohio 43067

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 937-303-7643

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